Montran’s Journey Towards Sustainability
“At Montran, we recognize the importance of sustainability in today’s world, and we are deeply committed to implementing and enhancing sustainable practices that positively impact the three pillars of sustainability: economic, social and environmental. Our dedication to sustainability is rooted in our belief that businesses have a responsibility to contribute to the greater good and address global challenges.” Alex Esca – CEO

In today’s world, the importance of sustainability cannot be overstated. At Montran, we believe that corporations not only have a critical role to play in addressing global challenges and contributing to the overall welfare – we have a responsibility to lead the way in these efforts.
Yet, we also recognize that achieving effective sustainability practices is highly complex. It’s not just about setting goals, but also about creating a focused and committed strategy that permeates every level of our organization. Overlooking the importance of a sustainability strategy not only risks undermining the stakeholder trust we’ve proudly built over the years, but it also hinders our ability to drive meaningful change for the betterment of the world.
This is why Montran has developed a Corporate Sustainability strategy to lead our sustainability efforts over the next three years. As a committed participant in the United Nations Global Compact, we have emphasized a focus on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as this strategy plans a brighter future for all.
Central to our Corporate Sustainability strategy is our committed participation in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). This signed pledge ensures that Montran adheres to the Ten Principles of the UNGC, focusing on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption efforts, while taking actions that advance societal goals. Our commitment extends to integrating the UN Global Compact and the SDGs into our corporate strategy, culture, and day-to-day activities.
Montran supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Montran has identified seven of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals with which we can create a lasting, impactful sustainability legacy, fulfilling our responsibilities to people and planet. These SDGs are:

What are we doing?

SDG 1 – Eradicates Poverty
Supporting people in vulnerable situations with access to new technologies and financial services

SDG 2 – Zero Hunger
Implementing social projects focused on financial inclusion and financial literacy

SDG 5 – Gender Equality
Strengthening Diversity, Gender Balance, and Inclusion Practices

SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth
Complying with labor rights and promoting safe work environments for all employees

SDG 13 – Climate Action
Reducing our carbon footprint through internal recycling processes and optimization of energy use

SDG 16 – Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
Implementing an Anti-Corruption program and promoting and enforcing Non-Discriminatory policies

SDG 17 – Partnerships for the Goals
Generating alliances with other organizations

What are we doing?

Strengthening Diversity, Gender Balance, and Inclusion Practices

Implementing social projects focused on financial inclusion and financial literacy

Strengthening Diversity, Gender Balance, and Inclusion Practices

Complying with labor rights and promoting safe work environments for all employees

Reducing our carbon footprint through internal recycling processes and optimization of energy use

Implementing an Anti-Corruption program and promoting and enforcing Non-Discriminatory policies

Generating alliances with other organizations
The seven SDGs that Montran has committed to are aligned with the core values of our company, fulfilling our purpose to Unify the World Financially. Each SDG also fosters positive impact across the Economic, Environmental, and Social pillars of our Corporate Social Responsibility strategy.

Montran has embarked on this transformative journey towards sustainability, kicked off through our Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy initiatives. Join us at #TeamMontran, as we strive to be a force for positive change and contribute meaningfully to the global pursuit of a sustainable and equitable future.
Contact us below if you would like to learn more about upcoming initiatives, how you can partner with us, or join our journey. After all, we believe that the more we work together to achieve these sustainability goals, the better our future is going to be.
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